domenica 30 ottobre 2011


Il blog STOREP sospende in data odierna la propria attività.

venerdì 28 ottobre 2011

On the merits of repeating oneself – A conference in defense of Bruno Frey

"It is only by varied repetition that new ideas can be impressed upon reluctant minds."
This often repeated admonition by the Nobel-prize winning economist James M. Buchanan is obviously unknown to the journalist of the German daily "Handelsblatt" Olaf Storbeck, who has initiated a vendetta against the well-respected economist Bruno S. Frey accusing him of self-plagiarism. Many people agree that such a delinquency does not even exist. For this reason, a meeting will be convened at the University of Erfurt to discuss the issue, the merits and demerits of repeating oneself.
Essays read and defended at this meeting will be published in the journal "Homo Oeconomicus" in a conference issue.
The meeting will take place at the University of Erfurt on December 9.

giovedì 27 ottobre 2011

New Economics Papers History and Philosophy of Economics

Edited by: Erik Thomson
University of Manitoba
Issue date: 2011-10-22
Papers: 10


1. From Wald to Savage: homo economicus becomes a Bayesian statistician
Giocoli, Nicola
2. A critical perspective on heterodox production modeling
Murray, Michael/ M J
Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak
4. Economic policy and the financial and economic crisis
Kowalski, Tadeusz
5. "Economic freedom" and economic growth: questioning the claim that freer markets make societies more prosperous
Cohen, Joseph N
6. N-Person cake-cutting: there may be no perfect division
Brams, Steven J.; Jones, Michael A.; Klamler, Christian
7. Punishment, reward, and cooperation in a framed field experiment
Noussair, Charles; van Soest, Daan; Stoop, Jan
8. While the crisis proceeds: A world redistribution of economic power?
Renato G. Flores Jr.
9. Bandit models and Blotto games.
Thomas, C.D.
10. Some lessons from the financial crisis for the economic analysis
Geoff Kenny; Julian Morgan

mercoledì 26 ottobre 2011

Sixth Annual Conference on the History of Recent Economics

11-12 May 2012,
FEP-UP, University of Porto, Portugal

In its sixth consecutive year, the HISRECO conference offers a venue for review and development of this work. We are inviting submissions of papers that deal with the post-WWII era. The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is 31st October 2011. If you are interested in participating, please submit a proposal containing roughly 500 words and indicating clearly the original contribution of the paper (if you have a draft of the paper, we would be happy to see that as well).
Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent by 1st December 2011 and completed papers will be due on 15th March 2012 so that we can provide feedback and then give discussants time to prepare comments.

Proposals should be sent electronically to
The organizing committee consists of Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham), Philippe Fontaine (École normale supérieure de Cachan and Institut universitaire de France), Yann Giraud (Université de Cergy-Pontoise), Tiago Mata (Duke University) and Pedro Teixeira (University of Porto).
or further information about the conference please contact Pedro Teixeira,

martedì 25 ottobre 2011

History of Economics Society Distinguished Fellow - Call for Nominations 2011-12

The History of Economics Society Distinguished Fellow Committee (as determined by the HES Constitution - Chair: Jerry Evensky, and Members: Steve Medema and Avi Cohen) invites nominations for the Distinguished Fellow award to be presented at the HES 2012 annual meeting June 22-25 at the Brock University.

Nominations should include a statement about the candidate that can be the basis for the award citation, and a CV and/or biographical statement. For examples of past citations, please see the HES website links to "Awards and Honors" then "Distinguished Fellows" or directly visit the web page: .

Please send nomination materials to Jerry Evensky, Department of Economics, 110 Eggers Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 USA or to> by December 17, 2011.
Email submissions are preferred.

lunedì 24 ottobre 2011

Elezione Segretario Generale della STOREP

Si sono concluse le operazioni di voto per l'elezione del Segretario Generale della STOREP.
Katia Caldari è stata eletta nuovo Segretario Generale dell'Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell'Economia Politica (STOREP).
A seguito dell'elezione di Katia Caldari, subentra a fare parte del Consiglio Direttivo della STOREP Stefano Fiori (Università di Torino), che era risultato il primo dei non eletti nelle elezioni svoltesi nel 2009.

La nuova composizione degli organi dell'associazione è quindi la seguente

Organi dell'associazione

Annalisa Rosselli (Università di Roma Tre)

Segretario Generale:
Katia Caldari (Università di Padova)

Consiglio Direttivo:
Katia Caldari (Università di Padova)
Roberto Ciccone (Università di Roma Tre)
Terenzio Cozzi(Università di Torino)
Massimo Di Matteo (Università di Siena)
Riccardo Faucci (Università di Pisa)
Stefano Fiori (Università di Torino)
Alessandro Lanteri (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
Aldo Montesano (Università Bocconi, Milano)
Salvatore Rizzello (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Annalisa Rosselli (Università Roma Tor Vergata)
Carlo Zappia (Università di Siena)

Salvatore Rizzello (Università del Piemonte Orientale)

Collegio dei Revisori dei conti:
Alberto Baccini (Università di Siena)
Maurizio Mistri (Università di Padova
Cosma Orsi (Università di Lugano)

Collegio dei Garanti:
Giacomo Becattini (Università di Firenze)
Augusto Graziani (Università di Roma
Giorgio Lunghini (Università di Pavia)
Luigi Pasinetti (Università di Milano, Cattolica)

venerdì 21 ottobre 2011

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Volume 80, Issue 2
October 2011

Special Issue on the work of James Buchanan
Edited by Dr.Peter Boettke


-Teaching economics, appreciating spontaneous order, and economics as a public science
Peter Boettke

-Bukantianism—Buchanan's philosophical economics
Hartmut Kliemt

-Buchanan on externalities: An exercise in applied subjectivism
Alain Marciano

-Persuasion, psychology and public choice
Michael C. Munger

-Government, clubs, and constitutions
Peter T. Leeson

-Substance vs. procedure: Constitutional enforcement and constitutional choice
Georg Vanberg

-Empirical constitutional economics: Onward and upward?
Stefan Voigt

-Do we need a distinct monetary constitution?
Steven Horwitz

-Pathologies of the state
Timothy Besley

-Constitutions and crisis
Christopher J. Coyne

-James M. Buchanan – Doing away with discrimination and domination
Karen Horn

-On James Buchanan
Amartya Sen

-Honoring James Buchanan
Elinor Ostrom

giovedì 20 ottobre 2011


Villa Umbra, loc. Pila, Perugia
28 OTTOBRE 2011


09:20 Apertura dei lavori
Alberto Naticchioni, Amministratore Unico Seu Servizio Europa e della Scuola Umbra di Amministrazione Pubblica
Marco Vinicio Guasticchi, Presidente della Provincia di Perugia e dell’UPI Umbria
Calogero Alessi, Presidente Sviluppumbria S.p.A
Coordinamento dei lavori, Mino Lo Russo, giornalista
Vittorio Calaprice, Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea - Settore Comunicazione, informazione e reti
La nuova Agenda europea per la riforma della Politica di Coesione

Jader Canè, DG Occupazione, affari sociali e inclusione, Capo Unità Aggiunto, Economia sociale di mercato negli Stati membri I: FSE Italia, Danimarca, Svezia, Commissione europea
Strategia e ruolo del Fondo Sociale europeo per lo sviluppo e l’occupazione in Italia: come disegnare la prossima programmazione?

Rossella Rusca, Dirigente Ufficio V dell'unione europea, Direzione generale per le politiche dei fondi strutturali comunitari, Ministero per lo Sviluppo Economico
Il ruolo e la Strategia dell’Italia nel quadro della definizione della riforma della politica di coesione

Aurelio Bruzzo, Ordinario di Politica economica, Dipartimento di Economia, Istituzioni e Territorio, Direttore del Centro di documentazione e Studi sulle Comunità europee dell’Università di Ferrara
La riforma della Politica di Coesione: strategie, obiettivi e “governance”

Catiuscia Marini, Presidente della Regione Umbria, Membro della Commissione per la politica di coesione e territorio (COTER), Comitato delle Regioni
Le prospettive della politica di coesione 2014 - 2020: la valutazione ed il parere dell’Umbria quale Regione d’Europa

Interventi programmati:
Mario Bravi, Segretario regionale CGIL
Ulderico Sbarra, Segretario regionale CISL
Aurelio Forcignanò: Segretario - Confindustria Umbria
Fabio Filpo, Avvocato, in rappresentanza degli ex allievi del SEU
Wladimiro Boccali, Sindaco di Perugia e Presidente Anci Umbria

13.30 Relazione di chiusura dell’on. Gianni Pittella, Primo Vice Presidente del Parlamento Europeo

per info e iscrizioni:

Davide Ficola tel. 075/5159741 -
Riccardo Trona, tel. 075/5159749
Fax 075.5159785

mercoledì 19 ottobre 2011

Scomparsa Pierangelo Garegnani

Con molta tristezza annunciamo la scomparsa del socio onorario Pierangelo Garegnani. In tutto il corso della sua lunga attività scientifica, Pierangelo Garegnani ha portato avanti, con grande rigore analitico, la linea di pensiero aperta da Piero Sraffa, di cui fu allievo e interlocutore, di riscoperta dell’impostazione teorica degli economisti classici e di critica dell’impostazione teorica dominante. Ricordiamo la rilevanza internazionale dei suoi contributi teorici e la sua partecipazione a dibattiti decisivi per lo sviluppo della teoria economica nel Novecento.

La Storep contribuirà a ricordarne la figura con iniziative scientifiche in un prossimo futuro.

Il Presidente STOREP
Annalisa Rosselli

martedì 18 ottobre 2011

Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference - Call for Papers

APEBH 2012: Canberra(Australia), 16-18 February 2012

Organised by the Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand

16-18 February 2012, Australian National University, Canberra (Australia)

Theme:Economic Integration: Historical Perspectives from Europe and the Asia-Pacific region

Call for Papers

Papers and proposals for sessions are invited for the APEBH 2012 conference. The main conference theme is ‘Economic Integration: Historical Perspectives from Europe and Asia-Pacific’ but the organisers are open to proposals for contributions on other topics in economic, social, and business history, as well as to proposals for sessions on particular themes. Researchers across a broad range of disciplines are warmly welcomed. Early career researchers are encouraged to participate. The conference organisers are particularly interested in attracting papers that examine developments in countries and regions in the Asia-Pacific region and papers that provide an international comparative perspective.

Economic integration is generally considered to be an aspect of the current process of globalisation. The European Union (EU) is often held up as a possible model for fostering the process of regional economic integration inAsia. However, the integration process inEuropesince the 1950s has been a formal process by which member states handed some authorities to the supranational EU. Throughout history, processes of economic integration occurred through both informal and formal processes. They occurred across regions within countries as transport facilities improved. They occurred across the borders of neighbouring countries as bilateral trade barriers were reduced, and in regions of the world due to multilateral initiatives. Formal agreements were not necessarily a prerequisite for economic integration. Private enterprises often took international business initiatives, despite the continued existence of barriers to international trade and investment. Formal processes of lowering such barriers followed. Where tariffs had been lowered, deepening integration by reducing non-tariff trade barriers remained an ongoing process. This happened in countries that became federations (e.g.USA,Germany,Australia,Malaysia), and countries that concluded bilateral (e.g. Australia-New Zealand), plurilateral (e.g. AFTA) and multilateral trade agreements.

Hence, there are historical experiences abound. What lessons can be drawn from comparative historical perspectives on processes of economic integration? How were such processes taken from one level to the next, how were issues of differential regulation dealt with, how did private enterprises seize new business opportunities and influence the process of integration, and what consequences did cross-border integration have for markets and societies? Lastly, integration has rarely been a linear process, but one of leaps and bounds. What can we learn from cases when integration processes rebounded? Are they fragile processes that need continuous energising to avoid being taken for granted?

Our theme could be approached from a number of perspectives, including those of the cliometrician, the economic historian, the economic theorist, the business historian, the applied economist, as well as the social historian. There is scope for new interpretations, new findings, as well as syntheses of existing work.


Dr John Singleton, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield (UK),

A/Professor Jim McAloon, Victoria University, Wellington(New Zealand),

Dr Keir Reeves, MonashUniversity, Melbourne(Australia),

Paper abstracts of one page may be submitted at any time up to the closing date of 30 November 2011. A decision on proposals will be made within a month of submission. Session proposals of one page may be submitted up to the same date, outlining the main objectives of the session and potential participants. You are not obliged to submit your full paper for refereeing. Complete versions of accepted papers should be sent to us by 4 February 2012 for posting on the conference website.

Some universities require staff attending conferences to have their papers refereed. If this is the case in your institution, please submit the full paper by the 30 November 2011 due date for the double blind refereeing process.

A conference paper prize will be awarded. A selection of papers (subject to the normal reviewing process and standards) may be published in Australian Economic History Review: An Asia-Pacific Journal of Economic, Business and Social History (see:

Further details about the conference and the Call for Papers can be found at this web page:

The web page of the Economic History Society of Australia andNew Zealandis: